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ISPs (Internet Service Providers), guest Wi-Fi providers, and visited sites that may be watching their Internet connection or even tracking and collecting IP addresses, a device’s Internet identifier.We are, and always have been, hugely thankful for the work and mission that the Tor team brings to the world. To continue our support, we wanted to make our website and browser download accessible to Tor users by creating Tor onion services for Brave websites. These services are a way to protect users’ metadata, such as their real location, and enhance the security of our already-encrypted traffic. This was desired for a few reasons, foremost of which was to be able to reach users who could be in a situation where learning about and retrieving Brave browser is problematic.We’ll go through the process of creating this setup, which you should be able to use to create your own onion service.To start the process we ‘mined’ the address using a piece of software called a miner: I chose Scallion due to Linux support and GPU acceleration. Mining is the computationally expensive process of creating a private key to prove a claim on an onion address with a desired string. Onion (v2) addresses are 16 character strings consisting of a-z and 2-7. They end in .onion, and traffic to .onion domains does not exit the Tor network. V3 addresses are a longer, more secure address which will provide stronger cryptography, which we will soon migrate to.In our case we wanted a string that started with ‘brave’ followed by a number. A six-character prefix only takes around 15 minutes when mined on a relatively powerful GPU (we used a GTX1080). The end result is a .onion address and a private key that allows us to advertise we are ready and able to receive traffic sent to this address. This is routed through a ‘tor’ daemon with some specific options.After we mined our onion address we loaded it up in EOTK. The Enterprise Onion Toolkit is a piece of software that simplifies setting up a Tor daemon and OpenResty (a Lua-configurable nginx-based) web server to proxy traffic to non-onion web servers. In our case we are proxying traffic to brave.com domains. One last piece was required to complete the setup: a valid SSL certificate.Without the certificate, upon starting  EOTK for the first time, you’ll find that many web assets don’t load. This is due to using a self-signed SSL certificate. For some, this is acceptable. Many onion users are accustomed to seeing self-signed certificate warnings, however for the best experience a legitimate certificate from a CA is necessary. For now, the only certificate authority issuing certificates for .onion addresses is DigiCert. They provide EV certificates for .onion addresses including SANs, with the exciting addition of wildcard SANs, which are otherwise not allowed in an EV certificate!Generating a private key and certificate signing request is done in the standard way with OpenSSL. For more information about how this is done see documentation here. An example of a CSR configuration file is shown below:One snag was that the process of proving you own the address requires a few different steps of validation. One is the traditional EV due diligence of contacting a representative of the organization that is on-file with DigiCert. Another is a practical demonstration, either of a DNS TXT record or a HTTP request to a well-known URL path. Since the onion addresses don’t have the concept of DNS, TXT validation will be impossible. That leaves the only remaining option as the HTTP practical demonstration. The demonstration involves requesting a challenge from DigiCert, at which point they will send you a short string and a path that they need to see the string served at.You then start a web server listening on that address on port 80 (non-SSL). They will send a GET request for that path. If they are able to successfully fetch the string, they know that you are in control of the address. Sadly, when I performed this song and dance with DigiCert the request did not work for 2 reasons. One was that EOTK was redirecting all of the non-SSL traffic to the SSL listener. The request failed since we were still running an EOTK-generated self-signed certificate. EOTK has a feature to serve short strings such as those required for this process using the “hardcoded_endpoint_csv” configuration option, but unfortunately it did not work due to the SSL redirect. I was able to modify the OpenResty configuration to move the configuration block responsible to the port-80 server section.After consulting with the author, I was told that the “force_http” EOTK option will fix this. Another problem is that DigiCert’s automated validator evidently cannot route Tor traffic since requests still failed. Opening a chat session with a DigiCert rep solved this problem quickly though, especially after pointing out that DNS TXT validation is not possible, and providing a link to the .onion blog post referenced earlier.We had to reissue certificates a few times (requiring more rounds of human validation for the EV cert requirements) in order to add some SAN wildcard subjects for our various subdomains (for example *.brave.com will not match example.s3.brave.com). One thing to note here is that even if you update the SAN subjects in your CSR, this will not add them to the reissued cert. They must be added through DigiCert’s web interface, and it can be easy to miss.Once we had our certificate we fed this into EOTK and found that web pages started appearing correctly, and that downloads worked without receiving a certificate error! This was a very satisfying milestone and let me know that we were almost done.EOTK does some string manipulation to rewrite URLs and some text on the pages so that they refer to the .onion addresses (example: a link to “brave.com/blog” becomes “brave5t5rjjg3s6k.onion/blog”). This is mostly desirable, although some strings should be preserved. For example we have several email addresses listed on brave.com such as [email protected]. This was being rewritten as [email protected]. Since we don’t (yet) run an email server as an onion service these email addresses won’t work, thus they should be preserved as [email protected]. EOTK has a “preserve_csv” option to maintain these static strings.Another suggestion is to include an Onion-Location response header on your web site, which points to your onion address. This hints at the user and their browser that the site is also available as an Onion service, and that they can visit that site if they so choose.Of course this novel daemon setup needed to run *somewhere*. In accordance with our standard devops practices at Brave, we wrote infrastructure-as-code using Terraform to deploy and maintain this. It is currently deployed in AWS EC2 with private keys secured in AWS SSM and loaded on boot. In a future iteration of the code we’d like to implement OnionBalance so that we can provide more redundancy and scalability to our onion services.Hopefully this post has taught you how we’ve been able to set this up at Brave, and how you can replicate our success to run an onion service for yourself. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected], or on Twitter at @bkero.I’d like to thank Alec Muffett, the author of EOTK, for his invaluable assistance in helping me overcome all the challenges related to setting this up, and for encouraging me to do things the harder but more correct way. I’d also like to thank Kenyon Abbott at DigiCert for his assistance in helping with the process of issuing and re-issuing the certificate and enduring the multiple iterations necessary to get our certificate working.

Кракен 2kmp

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